Eleven-Hospital Joint Clinical Ethics Seminar, June 13-14, 2024 / 11 haigla ühine kliinilise eetika seminar, 13.-14. juuni, 2024
English translation
On June 13-14, 2024, a two-day seminar on clinical ethics, organised by the Ethics Council of the Regional Hospital of Estonia and the Clinical Ethics Committee of Tartu University Hospital took place in Susimetsa Philosophicum.
The seminar was attended by representatives of 11 hospitals, University of Tartu Ethics Centre, and the Chancellor of Justice’s Office, 38 people in total.
The aim of the two-day event was to deepen the understanding of clinical ethics, discuss dilemmas of clinical ethics in the context of modern medicine, and reflect on how to address them. There was also an intensive discussion on how to organise clinical ethics consultations more effectively with the joint forces of hospitals.
As a preparation for the seminar, the participants had read the philosophical papers of Theda Rehbock on truth-telling in medical practice and on patient’s autonomy.
The topics discussed were the ethical issues of the beginning of life and end of life, patient autonomy, therapeutic limitations and palliative care, psychiatry and psychiatry ethics, and truth-telling. Besides listening to the presentations, the participants learned to use the ethics toolbox, played values game for physicians which promoted discussion on ethical dilemmas, and at the end of the day had a video conference with Prof. emer. Marion Danise, bioethics scholar at the US National Institute of Health who shared her experience on how ethics consultation is organised in the US hospitals and how the work of clinical ethics committees is organised in the US.
The participants of the clinical ethics seminar found the discussions and environment of Susimetsa Philosophicum so inspiring that they decided to organise a follow-up seminar in Susimetsa next year.
Eesti keeles
13.-14. juunil toimus Susimetsa Philosophicumis Põhja-Eesti Regionaalhaigla eetikanõukogu ja Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikumi kliinilise eetika komitee poolt ellukutsutud kliinilise eetika seminar.
Seminaril osalesid Regionaalhaigla, Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikumi, Raplamaa Haigla, Läänemaa Haigla, Hiiumaa Haigla, Tallinna Lastehaigla, Ida-Tallinna Keskhaigla, Lääne-Tallinna Keskhaigla, Ida-Viru Keskhaigla, Pärnu Haigla, Lõuna-Eesti Haigla, Tartu Ülikooli eetikakeskuse ja õiguskantsleri kantselei esindajad, kokku 38 inimest.
Seminari modereeris TÜ eetikakeskuse juhataja prof. Margit Sutrop, kes pidas ka sissejuhatava loengu eetiliste raamistike muutumisest meditsiinis. Ettekannetega astusid üles Põhja-Eesti Regionaalhaigla peaarst dr Kristo Erikson, PERHi eetikanõukogu liige, psühhiaater-ülemarst dr Merit Kudeviita. Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikumi eetikakomitee poolt esinesid komitee esimees, terapeut ja koolitaja Naatan Haamer, vanemarst-õppejõud dr Katrin Elmet ja Tartu Ülikooli filosoofia ja semiootika instituudi kaasprofessor Kadri Simm. Rahvusvahelist mõõdet lisas USA National Institute of Healthi bioeetika korüfee Marion Danise veebiloeng ja järgnenud diskussioon sellest, kuidas USAs eetiline nõustamine ja kliiniliste eetikakomiteede tegevus on korraldatud.Loe lähemalt siit: https://www.regionaalhaigla.ee/et/esmakordselt-eestis-11-haigla-uhine-kliinilise-eetika-seminar