
Creative Workshop by the Estonian Academy of Arts

Creative Workshop by the Estonian Academy of Arts, Department of Scenography, November 3-4, 2023 /
Eesti Kunstiakadeemia stenograafi osakonna loomelaager 3.-4. november 2023

Read about the visit of the Estonian Academy of Arts to Susimetsa Philosophicum.

English translation

We hosted a creative workshop in Susimetsa, together with students from the Scenography department of the Estonian Academy of Arts and our guest lecturer, with the focus on the fusion of film art and graphic design.

Right from the start, everyone was captivated!

There was ample inspiration, and students shared many enjoyable moments together. The shared dinner, set against breathtaking scenic views with piano music, and creative tasks by the cozy fireplace, warmed everyone’s hearts.

Thank you, Susimetsa!

Estonian Academy of Arts

Eesti keeles

Tegime Eesti Kunstiakadeemia stsenograafia osakonna tudengitega koos külalisõppejõuga Susimetsas paaripäevase loomelaagri, mille sisuks oli filmikunsti ning graafilise disaini ühendamine.

Olime kõik esimesest hetkest alates lummatud!

Inspiratsiooni ning toredaid omavahel veedetud hetki jagus tõesti küllaga. Ühine õhtusöök loodusvaadete ning klaverimänguga ning loovülesanded kaminasoojusega tegid kõigi südamed soojaks.

Aitäh Susimetsale!

Eesti Kunstiakadeemia